1010 Ten-Ten
20YC 20 Years of Peace on Cyprus
30MD 30 Meter Digital Group
5LYP 6 LY Prefix on 5 Band Award
9A20 20 Years of 9A Prefix
AAA All Africa Award
ADL1 Austrian Die Landesverbände
AECW Work All Europe-CW
AGCW Activity Group CW-DL
ALZS All Bulgarian Saints
ANP1 ARRL National Parks on the Air
ARI9 ARI 90 Years Award
ARLH Amateur Radio Lighthouse Society
ATGA Alexander the Great (NGCT)
AVKS Worked All VK Shires
BAWA Baltic Way
BCA Belgian Castles Award
BDAW Bartolomeu Dias Award
BOPV Bolivian Provinces
BRAW Bratislava Award
C-22 DXCC on 22 deg North
C19D Certificado 19 Departamentos
CAST Diploma Castillos de España (1994-2011)
DCE1 Diploma Castillos de España 1.0 (2012-)
CEPV The Chile Provinces
CIAC Comunicación Iberoamericana
CISA Canadian Islands Award (CISA)
CNPO Canadian National Parks on the Air
COEA Council of Europe
COMC Comarques (Regions) de Catalunya
CWOP CW Operators' Club
CZ15 CQ Zone 15
DCA Azores Council Award
DCFP Castles and Fortresses of Portugal (DCFP)
DCI Italian Castles Award (DCI)
DCS Castelli Sammarinesi
DDCF French Cantons (DDCF)
DDP Departamentos Paraguay
DEE Diploma Ermitas de España Award (DEE)
DEF Diploma Estaciones Ferroviarias
DEV Estados Venezolanos
DFB Brazilian Lighthouses (DFB)
DFCF French Forts and Castles (DFCF)
DIA German Islands Award (DIA)
DIB Brazilian Islands (DIB)
DIE Spanish Islands Award (DIE)
DIEI Spanish Interior Islands Award (DIEI)
DIFM French Islands Award (DIFM)
DIFO French Islands (DIFO)
DIG Diplom Interessen Gruppe
DIP Diploma Ilhas Portuguesas
DISL Slovakia Award
DOK Deutschland Diplom (German DOK)
SDOK German Sonder-DOK
DLI Italian Lakes Award (DLI)
DME Diploma Municipios de España (Towns of Spain Award)
DMHP Diploma Monumentos Históricos Portuguese
DMP Diploma dos Municípios Portugueses
DMVE Diploma Monumentos y Vestigios de España
DPF French Provinces (DPF)
DPXF French Prefix Award (DPXF)
DSLO Diploma Slovenia
DTA Terres Australes
DTOM Departments & Territories D'Outre-Mer
DU99 Diploma Universiada 99
DUF Univers Francophone
DVDG Diploma Vasco da Gama
DVGE Diploma Vértices Geodésicos de España
DXXE DXXE Challenge Award
EA6C Ciutat de Palma Award
EA6M Mallorca Award
EAPV Worked EA Provinces (Trabajadas Provincias EA)
ENCA Natural Areas of Catalonia
EPC European PSK Club
ESSB Work All Europe-SSB
EUAP European Areas PSK Award
EWWA European World Wide Award
FARO Diploma Faros de España
FDEP Diplôme des Départements Français de la Métropole
FFMA Fred Fish Memorial Award
FIST FISTS - Int'l Morse Preservation Society
FOC First Class CW Operators' Club
FLPO Florida State Parks on the Air
GIA Greek Islands Award
GIOT Greek Islands on the Air
GLHA Greek Lighthouse Award
GRAG Alexander the Great (RAAG)
GREU The Europe Award
H26 Helvetia Award
HLYL Holyland
HOLY Israel Provinces
HRCA Croatia County Award
HSC High Speed Club
IIA Italian Islands Award
ILIA Italian Lake Islands Award
ILLW Int'l Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend
IMD International Marconi Day
INCA Italian Navy Coastal Award
INPO Indiana State Parks on the Air
IOBS Islands of the Baltic Sea
IOCA Islands of Croatia Award
IOSA Islands of Scotland Award
IOSM Iceland on Six Meters Award
JA Jakarta Award
JAPR Japanese Prefectures
JCC Japan Century Cities
JCG Japan Century Guns
KARA Kaunas City Award
KDN Korean District Number
KYPO Kentucky State Parks on the Air
KZDA Kazakhstan Districts Award
KRC Kaunas Radioclub Award
LAEN Swedish Laens
LHFA Lithuania Hill-Forts Award
LIAW Lisbon City Award
LUPV Argentine Provinces
LWWA Latvians World Wide Award
LYPA Lithuanian Prefixes Award
LYPX LY Prefix Hunter Trophy
LYTR LY Trophy
TT2K St. Teodosii Tyrnovski Award (2000-2013)
TT14 St. Teodosii Tyrnovski Award (2014)
LZTT St. Teodosii Tyrnovski Award (2015-)
CMLA Canadian Maple Leaf Award (Canadian Prefixes)
MCTY Maritime Counties Award
MDA Moldavian District Award
MIA Mediterranean Islands Award
MINS Work Minsk Radioamateurs Award
MIPO Michigan State Parks on the Air
MMA Maritime Mobile Award
NAQR North American QRP CW Club
NBAW New Budapest Award
NZC New Zealand Counties
NZJC Captain James Cook Award
NZR New Zealand Regions
OBLA Russian Oblasts
OHA Finland Award
OHCA Finland Counties Award (OHCA)
OHPO Ohio State Parks on the Air
OKCO Czech Counties
OMDX Slovakian Counties
P070 PODXS 070 Club
P43 P43 Award
PFFP Placa Faróis Farolins Portugueses
PGA Polish Gminy Award
PIP Portuguese Islands Plaque
POL Polska Award
POTA Parks on the Air
PZK Polish Provinces
PZK1 Powiat Award
RCCC RSGB Commonwealth Century Club
RCFA Russian Castles (Fortress) Award
RDA Russian District Award
RFFA Russian Flora Fauna Award
RIIA Russian Internal Islands
RLHA Russian Lighthouse Award
ROBI Russian Robinson
SCIA Scottish Islands Award
SDAP Diplom der Spur des Apostels Paulus
SKCC Straight Key Century Club
SMIR Six Meter Int'l Radio Klub
SOTA Summits on the Air
SO4O Polish Islands Award
SPPX Worked SP Prefixes (SP-PX)
SWCA Slovenia World Castles Award
TCCA Cancer and Capricorn
TPAA Paises de America
TXPO Texas State Parks on the Air
UIA Ukrainian Islands Award
URDA Ukraine Districts Award
USIA United States Islands Award
UZWO Uznam & Wolin Islands Award
VDA Valaisans Districts
VEPV Canadaward
VIMY Battle of Vimy Ridge Anniversary
W100 W-100 SP
W21M Worked 21 Meridian Award
W28M Worked 28 Meridian Award
WAAC Worked All African Continent
WAB Worked All Bermuda
WABP Worked All Belgian Provinces
WABS Worked All Britain "Squares"
WAC Worked All Continents
WACE Worked All CE
WACI Worked All Canary Islands
WACS Worked All Caribbean Sea
WADA Worked Antarctic Directory Award
WAE Worked All Europe
WAIA Worked All Indonesia Award
WAIL Worked All Italian Lighthouses
WAIP Worked All Italian Provinces Award
WAIS Worked All Italian Squares
WALA Worked All Norway
WALY Worked All Lithuania
WANC Worked All Nordic Countries
WANZ Worked All New Zealand
WAOE Worked All Austria
WAPY Worked All Brazil
WASA Work All ZS Award
WAVK Worked All VK Call Areas
WCA World Castles Award
WCTP Portuguese Provinces
WDIA Danish Island Award
WDIL Worked LY DIG Members
WDRB Worked Districts Republic of Belarus
WEIC Worked EI Counties
WFF World Wide Flora Fauna
WGA2 WGA 21 Award
WGBC UK Counties
WHAP Hungarian Provinces
WIPO Wisconsin State Parks on the Air
WIZA World ITU Zones Award
WLDM Worked-LDXG-Members
WLHA World Lighthouse on the Air
WMEX Mexican States (Diploma México)
WNC Norwegian Cities
WNS Nigeria States Award
WPC Worked Polish Cities
WPNG Papua New Guinea "Bird of Paradise" Award
WTEA Worked the Equator
WUST Worked US Territories
WYOP Romanian Provinces
WWYC World Wide Young Contesters
Z40A IRA Zone 40 Award